Sun Aug 18 06:34:24 CEST 2013
Packaging Strategies
Some ideas about packaging strategies seen in the wild ...
Maybe we can turn this into a proper methodology like Programming Patterns, and then people can try a Constant Number Inception Packaging Factory Singleton!
Axe packaging:
If you don't have to cut off some limbs it's not worth it. Put a meaning to bleeding edge again!Whiskey and cheese packaging:
If it hasn't aged for at least 5 years it can't be stable and useful. But it stinks.Matrioska packaging:
Dude, we have our own package management system. Keep your unworthy system package manager for yourself!Inception packaging:
Yo dawg, I heard u like tarbllz, so I put a tarbll in a tarbll in a rpm in a zip in a tarball ...Constant Number packaging:
Number too hard to brain. Here, take, I replace when new version is arrive.Maybe we can turn this into a proper methodology like Programming Patterns, and then people can try a Constant Number Inception Packaging Factory Singleton!
Tue Aug 13 04:14:36 CEST 2013
Keeping track of AutoRepoman
By popular request I've updated my AutoRepoman machinery to log status and provide it to the public.
The current status can be found here:
AutoRepoman status
and a "historical" view (there was a small bug in the first few values, so the repeat timestamp is not correct):
AutoRepoman history
Now it'd be nice to log the failures themselves, maybe? But I'm too lazy :D
The current status can be found here:
AutoRepoman status
and a "historical" view (there was a small bug in the first few values, so the repeat timestamp is not correct):
AutoRepoman history
Now it'd be nice to log the failures themselves, maybe? But I'm too lazy :D
Wed Aug 7 09:45:47 CEST 2013
How to drive people crazy with syslog
Here's a little proof of concept I hacked up to frustrate random people that might be studying the system logs.
It assumes atd is running.
This file should be saved as /usr/libexec/gcc (or something similar, as long as it is a nicely distracting name) and made executable.
... maybe run it as a different user just to make debugging extra frustrating?
Edit: Changed the hardcoded script name to $0, thanks to Senor Klausman who always has good input on evilizing computers
It assumes atd is running.
This file should be saved as /usr/libexec/gcc (or something similar, as long as it is a nicely distracting name) and made executable.
... maybe run it as a different user just to make debugging extra frustrating?
#!/bin/bash strings=("Interpolation error in job table at" "CRC Error in metadata write at block" "Time error: Lost a second at") choice=$(( $RANDOM % 3 )) logger -i -t audit ${strings[$choice]} 0x${RANDOM} echo $0 | at now + $(( $RANDOM % 120 +10 )) minutesThis will create amusing output like:
Aug 7 15:33:00 localhost audit[3984]: Time error: Lost a second at 0x2107... at random times, on average about once an hour
Edit: Changed the hardcoded script name to $0, thanks to Senor Klausman who always has good input on evilizing computers