Mon Feb 2 03:33:51 CET 2015

Mozilla: Hating you so you don't have to

Ahem. I'm mildly amused, Firefox 35 shows me this nice little informational message in the "Get addons" view:
Secure Connection Failed

An error occurred during a connection to 
Peer's Certificate has been revoked. (Error code: sec_error_revoked_certificate) 
Oh well. Why I was looking at that anyway? Well, for some reasons I've had adb (android thingy) running on my desktop. Which makes little sense ... but ... find tells me:
So now there's a random service running *when I start firefox* because ...

err, I might want to " test, deploy and debug HTML5 web apps on Firefox OS phones & Simulator, directly from Firefox browser. "
Which I don't. But I appreciate having extra crap default-enabled for no reason. Sigh.

Mozilla: We hate you so you don't have to

Posted by Patrick | Permalink